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no you have gonorreah

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Q: Can one time brown discharge then every day after that with slight cramping and excessive discharge be a sign of very early pregnancy?
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If i have Positive pregnancy test but have cramps and when i wipe slight pinkish discharge?

Some light cramping can be normal along with some light pink or brown discharge with a pregnancy. But it's best to check with your OB/GYN for a more accurate answer for your exact situation.

Is cramping and slight bleeding an early sign of pregnancy?


Do you get a sore stomach when your in early pregnancy?

Yes, your uterus is preparing for your pregnancy, slight cramping is ok unless it is accompanied by bleeding

Is it normal to have slight cramping after testing positive yesterday for pregnancy?

I would call a doctor. Good luck to you and God Bless:)

What could cause slight cramping colostrum leakage random pain in lower abdomen?

Pregnancy. Or hormonal imbalances? not sure...

If I have been constipated fatigued lightly cramping and having brown discharge Are these early signs of pregnancy even if I am on the pill?

I have been to the docotor recently to find out if I was pregnant. He told me that I was. What made me go to the doctor was that I was having cramps, being constipated, brown discharge and slight fatigue. Best thing to do is get checked pronto ! I hope this helped.

Slight Cramping is this your period?

Well that is hard to say without any more detail than that. It could be your period, it could be pregnancy, it could an ectopic pregnancy, it could be a miscarriage, it could be gas, it could be diarrhea; there are lots of possibilities that could be from just cramping.

You are 4 weeks pregnant and just when you wipe you have a slight light pink discharge is this common?

No. You should contact your doctor right away or better yet take a trip to the emergency room.

What symptoms may the patient experience after cervical cryotherapy?

Slight cramping for two to three days; watery discharge requiring several pad changes daily; bloody discharge, especially 12-16 days after the procedure.

Is slight cramping normal in the first trimester?

Yes cramping is normal during the first trimester. Its due to the baby growing and stretching you internally which is why you have cramps. Any bloody discharge, or spotting or sharp cramps should be reported to your doctor.

What could pain in the right ovary and slight cramping for about 4-5 weeks mean?

if you are cramping only on one side of your adomen you need to see your physician immediately or go to the er, one sided cramping is a sign of a tubal or ectopic pregnancy which can be life threatening if not treated and found soon enough

White discharge a sign of pregnancy?

All women release white discharge, depending upon where they are in their cycle. As a symptom on its own, this doesn't indicate pregnancy. However, during pregnancy there will be an increase in vaginal discharge.