Unfortunately there are several reasons contributing to cramping during pregnancy. They can be due to gas, constipation, implantation bleeding, ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage,vanishing twin syndrome, or pre-term labor.
I just read in another article that if it's early uterus growth cramps...it may last several day's pregnacy101.net
Yes ur body is gearing up for the long journey ahead u will get some energy back around the 4th month good luck sweetie n rest all u can trust me
my doctor told me it was normal as long as its not a bunch
No all the spotting should be light , and not last as long as your normal period. Yes, this is very normal during the early weeks of pregnancy.
As long as you have not had intercourse, with anyone , and even if you have heavy heavy, and you have cramps and dizziness , are not signs of pregnancy.
Yess for the most part. As long as its not intense bent over pain mild cramps and back ache and tenderness all over is normal unless followed by bleeding. Then you should see a doctor.
It typically takes about 6-8 weeks for blood volume to return to normal after pregnancy.
Menstruation can be painful, but not always and no one should tolerate pain thinking that it's normal. Menstrual cramps are common but not a normal part of healthy menstruation, most women can easily prevent cramps as long as there is no underlying health problem.
Just speaking from experience. You shouldn't have pregnanacy cramps?? When I was miscarring I had severe cramping but that was later on the preganancy. Do you have spotting or bleeding? If so, contact your doctor right away! Have you miised you scheduled period? Menstrual cramps feel similar to inital labor pains, but of course the labor pains become much more intense. Good luck to you. THE REAL ANSWER RIGHT HERE!!!!!! yes...you should have cramping during pregnancy because your uterus is making way for the baby. yeah you can have misscarrage cramps but c'mon, everyone knows about implantation cramps.....
As long as it is only a drop, not accompanied by cramps or anything you probably have nothing to worry about.
The luteal phase after ovulation is typically two weeks long on average. So two weeks prior to your period lines up with ovulation when it is possible to conceive. It is unlikely to have any symptoms of pregnancy two weeks before your period. Good luck!
As long as you are having normal period flow, the absence of cramping just means you're lucky.