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It may do and it may not do it depends how far into the pregnancy you are - I had an eptopic pregnancy earlier in the year - I took a test when my partner was away and it was positive he was returning in a few days so I waited coz I wanted him to see a positive test for himself - the second one I did was negative, so was the 3rd 4th and 5th I did so many as I knew for definite I was pregnant - after going to the doctors and getting a blood test and one the following day I was taken in for scans due to the hormone level dropping. The hormone level will rise with an eptopic pregnancy and then drop so dependant on when you do the test depends on whether it will turn out positive or not.

Please go to the doctors and have a blood test and scans if you suspect you have an eptopic pregnancy. It is a horrible horrible thing to go through and the earlier you find out and get the proper care and support the easier it is to get through and start trying again!

I hope this helps!

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Q: With a eptopic pregnancy will pregnancy test positive?
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