The common cause for women spotting between periods is a hormonal imbalance. However, it could have to do with weight issues, diet issues, and fatigue as well.
Check to make sure you got your tampon out. Believe it or not, this happens to alot of women.
Spotting in between periods is not supposed to happen but it is not all that abnormal either. It is usually down to a fluctuation of hormones and doesn't bear any significance or meaning.
between the age of 45 -55
There could be several reasons why you notice streaks of vaginal blood between periods. Without having a full history, not knowing your age and medical status, and not being able to do a physical exam, one can only guess at a few possibilities: *if you are on birth control pills, it might be break-through bleeding (due to a low dose pill) *some women can spot around the time of ovulation *cervical or vaginal cancer can cause bleeding *infections can cause bleeding *some women can spot after intercourse if they have a "friable" cervix *women can bleed at the time of implantation when they become pregnant *perimenopausal women with low hormone levels can have odd bleeding If you are having recurrent (repeated) bleeding between your periods, you should discuss this with your doctor and be properly assessed.
Chances are, you are spotting. If you are around other women who are ont heir periods it can cause you to spot. It is completely normal.
The Departed
yes you can. I had a two day period (technically called implantation bleeding) and i think i might be pregnant Do a pregnancy test and get your doc to do a blood test for you.
Muslim women DO NOT have to do "qadha" for their salah after their periods. However, they NEED to do "qadha" for fasts that were not done in Ramadhan after their periods.
HIV does not prevent women from having periods. If a woman was getting periods before getting HIV, periods are likely to continue until menopause.
spotting can happen either before of after your period often it is dried blood if however you are worried then you should contact your gp.