Chances are, you are spotting. If you are around other women who are ont heir periods it can cause you to spot. It is completely normal.
Yes. if your period isn't due for 6 more days, it is not a missed period, yet. You can usually get an accurate blood test when your period is three to four days late - the urine test needs 4 to 10 more days to confirm a pregnancy. A false negative only happens when you test too soon.
sorry there is no way to stop your period .Your period is for you blood to come out so you need that blood to come out if you stopped your period that would be very unhealthy.
Capillaries are the endpoints of the circulatory system. They are where veins and arteries meet (arteries carry red blood, which comes from the heart, moving toward the capillaries, and veins carry blue blood, which heads from the capillaries toward the heart).
You will know when your period starts, because you will have blood coming from you vagina.
if it does not rain for a long period there could be draught and plants and animals could die.
a period is when blood comes out the ladies vagina
Your period should have blood clots. Every month the uterus prepares itself for pregnancy. If a woman does not conceive, the lining of the uterus comes out (period). It is a cleansing process that happens every month.
Blood comes out through the vagina during menstruation.
Menopause means a stopping of having periods. There IS no period blood.
Your period comes out if your uterus into the cervix
If you mean what does it mean if there is blood in my Knickers then you are on your period
what happens if you period doesn't come on for a year, but one mouth out of the year it comes on?
as much blood that comes out
The blood from a period comes out of the vagina. The shedding of the uterine lining and blood occurs through the cervix and out of the vagina during menstruation.
It is called a period. Its when the inside layering of the uterus discharges out from the vigina. This happens when a girl goes through puberty. It is normal, nothing to worry about....
i had my period 1 and half days and no more blood but tubes are tied could i be pregnant