Check to make sure you got your tampon out. Believe it or not, this happens to alot of women.
The common cause for women spotting between periods is a hormonal imbalance. However, it could have to do with weight issues, diet issues, and fatigue as well.
Spotting in between periods is not supposed to happen but it is not all that abnormal either. It is usually down to a fluctuation of hormones and doesn't bear any significance or meaning.
a blind spot is when someone stares at the light and it makes a spot in there eye that makes them blind.they call it a blind spot because it makes you blind and it makes a spot in your eye.
spotting can happen either before of after your period often it is dried blood if however you are worried then you should contact your gp.
Yes; It is possible to spot in between periods. IT can be caused by stress, extreme change in diet or weight change, hormonal imbalance etc. or can just be a result of being young and your periods not being regular yet.
there are 5 minutes in between periods.
Can Rottweilers have periods in between them going into heat
No. AM and PM are written without periods
hormonal changes, insertion of objects, stress, undiagnosed vaginal infection, implantational bleeding (one of the first signs of pregnancy), among others are the main causes for bleeding between periods for any woman.
gravity. -.-
Between what two time periods was farming discovered