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Maybe they just wanna feel more feminine!

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Q: Why are gay men wanna have menstruation?
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Is yoga a gay sport?

No yoga is not a gay wanna Know Why Because If It was a gay sport why do so much women do it and less men

How does a gay guy find other gay guys?

By holding a sign that "hi I like men. Wanna go home with me" but he has to watch out for the dragon on the moon cuz his spaceship broke down and Allstate doesn't cover it.

Can gay become to men?

Gay men are already men.

Is possible to get pregnant in the last day of menstruation without any protection?

u wanna try?

How do gay men become men?

Gay men are individuals who are attracted to other men romantically and/or sexually. Sexual orientation (being gay) does not influence someone's gender identity (being a man). Men, whether straight or gay, identify as male based on their self-perception and expression.

Does menstruction occur?

No, menstruation occurs in individuals who have a uterus and typically identifies as female. Men do not experience menstruation.

Is street jazz for men or just for women because you dont wanna look gay lol?

i'm not even sure, i've seen some men doing it and the style actually looks cool...idk!

What is the counter part of menstruation for men?

Men don't actually have a counterpart to menstruation. The main purpose of menstruation is to get rid of a lining in the uterus that was originally designed to be something that a fertilized egg can implant onto, which will then be nourished by the lining. Since men don't have a uterus, and can't become pregnant, there's nothing similar in men.

Why do boys wanna be gay?

because that's how they feel

Is there any difference why women are gay and men being gay?

When women are gay, they are interested in other women. When men are gay, they are intersted in other men

Why do men hate being called gay?

Only straight men hate being called gay. Most gay men prefer the term "gay."

Why do gay men chase women?

Gay men usually chase other men.