By holding a sign that "hi I like men. Wanna go home with me" but he has to watch out for the dragon on the moon cuz his spaceship broke down and Allstate doesn't cover it.
Then I'd be a guy that was gay which ment I liked other guys
No. It is only gay if the guy is sexually attracted to other guys.
a gay guy is simply just a guy that likes other guys and maybe occasionly just acts like a girl
No, not at all. It is only gay if the guy is sexually attracted to other guys.
No. It is only gay to be sexually attracted to other guys.
No, not at all. It is only gay if the you are sexually attracted to the other guy.
No, it is only gay if you are sexually attracted to other guys.
No, not at all. It is only gay if the guy is sexually attracted to other guys. Also, there is no such verb as "annaling"
... as gay as guy can be straight
No, not at all. It is only gay if you are sexually attracted to the other guy.
No, not at all. It is only gay if you are sexually attracted to other guys.
No, it is only gay if the guy is sexually attracted to other men.