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Most boys are just curious so they tend to do things to find answers and girls are not so curious. Girls always just think about the answers instead of actually doing it. They know it might be dangerous so they don't take a chance to find out.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 10mo ago

Gender stereotypes like these are outdated and not based on scientific evidence. Personality traits and behaviors are not determined by gender, but rather by a combination of genetics, environment, and individual differences. It's important to treat each person as an individual rather than making assumptions based on their gender.

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Q: Why are boys crazy and girls calm?
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Are girl smarter them boys or boys or smarter then girls?

There is no significant difference in intelligence between girls and boys. Intelligence is individual and not determined by gender. It is important to recognize and appreciate the unique strengths and abilities of each person, regardless of gender.

Are there more boys or girls in 2009?

In 2009, the global population was roughly equal in terms of the number of boys and girls. On average, there is a slightly higher number of boys born worldwide compared to girls, but the difference is not significant enough to declare one gender as being more numerous than the other in 2009.

Why girls are more better than boys?

Both girls and boys have their own unique strengths and abilities. It is important to recognize and celebrate the qualities of each individual, regardless of gender. Promoting equality and diversity benefits society as a whole.

Why are girls shorter than boys?

Differences in height between boys and girls are primarily due to genetic factors. Boys tend to have a growth spurt during puberty that results in them being taller on average than girls. Additionally, hormonal differences between boys and girls can also impact overall growth and height.

Did Victorian boys and girls learn the same subjects?

No, Victorian boys and girls did not learn the same subjects. Boys were typically taught subjects like Latin, mathematics, and science, while girls were often taught skills like needlework, music, and basic arithmetic. Education was not seen as important for girls in the same way it was for boys during the Victorian era.

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Boys are crazy cause they make fun of the girls and that hard us

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no summ guys could be gay ya know!!!!!!!!!!!

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Yes.. Both race cant figure each other out...its crazy!

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if you mean crazy no, i have a freaky weird girl in my grade and boys actually make fun of her. she creeps me out

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I think boys yell because they want to go out with that one girl and think boys and boyfriend about crazy

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Definitelly calm (:

Can boys go crazy for girls?

if a boy likes a girl an awful lot he can pretty much lose his mind without her.

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puerto rican boys like girls that are petty and have a lot interest on them

Did Justin bieber date with omani girls?

Not if their really crazy over him. He usually likes calm pretty girls. He would only like them if they thought of him as a normal boy not because he is cute. But I bet he would.

Are teen girls crazy?

some are and some could care less Depends on the boy. I am crazzzy for nice, sweet boys that are always kind and gentle and caring. and if they like to have fun. and if they are smart too :) but mean boys that always try to be who they aren't, boys that are selfish or mean or too caught up with impressing others or being popular? No. Not exactly crazy for those boys. majority of girls aren't.

In poptropica are boys popular to girls or girls are popular to boys?

it is so simple boys to girls . who is the people to ask out , boys ask girls . girls do not ask boys.