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TO BE HONEST I AM A GIRL MYSELF and truely boys are better than girls but boys just do not uses there brain .girls arn't better than boys .but scense they aren't using there brain that god has gaven them people say girls are better cause firls get more feelings that boys girls actully uses there brains .

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10mo ago

Both girls and boys have their own unique strengths and abilities. It is important to recognize and celebrate the qualities of each individual, regardless of gender. Promoting equality and diversity benefits society as a whole.

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Q: Why girls are more better than boys?
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Are girl smarter them boys or boys or smarter then girls?

There is no significant difference in intelligence between girls and boys. Intelligence is individual and not determined by gender. It is important to recognize and appreciate the unique strengths and abilities of each person, regardless of gender.

Why are girls better than boys?

It's not accurate to say that girls are better than boys or vice versa. Each individual has their own strengths and weaknesses regardless of gender. It's important to recognize and appreciate the unique qualities and abilities of each person, regardless of gender.

Are there more boys or girls in 2009?

In 2009, the global population was roughly equal in terms of the number of boys and girls. On average, there is a slightly higher number of boys born worldwide compared to girls, but the difference is not significant enough to declare one gender as being more numerous than the other in 2009.

Are communication skills in girls is better than boys?

There is no definitive answer to this question as communication skills can vary greatly among individuals regardless of gender. Both girls and boys can develop strong communication skills with practice and experience. It is more important to focus on nurturing and developing communication skills in all individuals rather than making generalizations based on gender.

Why are boys better than girls?

Boys are not inherently better than girls. Both boys and girls are equal and capable of achieving success and excelling in different areas based on their skills and abilities. It is important to treat all individuals with respect and value their unique qualities and contributions.

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Do girls better than boys yes girls are better than boys?

answerno boys are not better than girls because girls are smarter than the boys(noooooo!!!!)

Are boys better children than girls?

well... girls are more mature than boys and are always sensible but boys are more mature when there about 13

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the girls upper chest is thicker than a boys which makes boys usually more athletic

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Boys have more motor skills than girls.

Are girls better in the Olympics then boys?

yes and no it depends what the competition is...the girls are more flexible than boys.

Can girls concentrate more than boys?

sometimes,because girls can concentrate than boys and sometimes boys can concentrate than girls.. yes girls could conentrate more than boys because can get discracted is easily

Do girls have a better sense of smell than boys?

No. Girls are more observent.

Who is better at the stroop effect boys or girls?

Girls are better than boys because they developoed faster than the boys did

Are boys stronger than girls naturally?

Boys are genetically more likely to have better muscles, but of course there are plenty of girls stronger than boys.

Why do girls have the better memory than boys?

they care more

Give an exmple of sexism?

Boys are better than Girls and Girls are better than Boys.

Do girls have it better than boys?

No, girls don't have to go to war and fight and die. Girls can do more then boys, but I agree boys do tend to be stronger than girls but it all depends on the Person. No one is really better.