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Three months is normal... can be as long as six to a year to be regular again. You are not considered infertile until 2 years.

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Q: When you come off the pill how long before your period?
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Is you period the same after stopping the pill?

After stopping the pill, your next period will come in 4-6 weeks, and will soon return to its previous pattern, as it was before you were on the pill.

What happens if you start taking the pill before your period starts if you only want to skip your period?

You won't have a period as long as you're taking the pill, but as soon as you come off it you'll have a period. You shouldn't take the pill for more than 21 consecutive days before giving yourself a 7 day break from it due to build-up of hormones.

If you take the pill the day before your period will it still come?

Yes you should still have your normal period.

Will starting birth control pills before your period make your period come later?

Yes, if you start the birth control pill for the first time before your period, your period will come later. It usually comes during the last week of the cycle.

Do you have to have a period on the 7 day break on mercilon pill i havent had my period yet and im on my 4th day?

Sometimes the birth control pill can make your period so light, it doesn't come at all. If you used the pill correctly the month before, there's no cause for concern.

How long does it take to come off your period after coming off the pill?

The length of the first period after the pill is unpredictable. While you're on the pill, the hormones decrease the amount of menstrual flow. You can expect longer and heavier periods, returning to your previous pattern, after you stop the pill.

Is it normal if you started taking the birth control Yasmin on the Sunday before your period and are now taking the sugar pills but don't have a period?

Your period would probably not come until your 3rd or 4th sugar pill. If you started taking the pills on the Sunday before your period did that period come?

How long does it take for your period to return after missing a pill?

Your period should not be delayed from missing a single pill.

How long will it take for your period to come back if your period is abnormal and you just got off the pill?

depending on which pill, anywhere from one month to 6 months, and it won't become regular for several months after it returns.

If you are not on the pill but going away and do not want to come on your period. Will your period be delayed if you start to take the pill before you are due on?

No, starting the Pill will not immediately cause a delay in your period and starting the Pill late in your cycle can cause breakthrough bleeding that can last for days or weeks. The pill will start delaying periods after taken for a full cycle, depending on the hormones and your reaction sometimes it takes a couple cycles.

If my girlfriend is off the pill during her period and starts them right after he period gone but how long should we wait before we have sex again?

If she's been on the pill for over a month then she's protected against pregnancy.

Can you get pregnant while on the pill and the week before your period?

Yes. The pill is not always affective.