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The length of the first period after the pill is unpredictable. While you're on the pill, the hormones decrease the amount of menstrual flow. You can expect longer and heavier periods, returning to your previous pattern, after you stop the pill.

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Q: How long does it take to come off your period after coming off the pill?
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How long does it take to get a period after coming off Birth control?

I was on the pill for 10 years. When I stopped taking the pill it took my body 6 months to have a period. Everyone is different!

How long does it take for your period to return after missing a pill?

Your period should not be delayed from missing a single pill.

How long will it take for your period to come back if your period is abnormal and you just got off the pill?

depending on which pill, anywhere from one month to 6 months, and it won't become regular for several months after it returns.

Is you period the same after stopping the pill?

After stopping the pill, your next period will come in 4-6 weeks, and will soon return to its previous pattern, as it was before you were on the pill.

If you are just coming off the pill can your period still be 28 days?


Does period come straight away after stopping pill even if not due?

Your period may start within 5 days after going off the pill or it may come when it is due.

If start taking the contraceptive pill on monday for example will your period stop from monday and only come again during the 'break' at the end of the pill cycle?

You start taking the pill at the end of your period, and then, yes you will not have a period again until the break in the pill.

What happens if you start taking the pill before your period starts if you only want to skip your period?

You won't have a period as long as you're taking the pill, but as soon as you come off it you'll have a period. You shouldn't take the pill for more than 21 consecutive days before giving yourself a 7 day break from it due to build-up of hormones.

What do I do if when I come to the sugar pills in my birth control I don't have my period Do I still take the sugar pill or take a normal hormonal pill?

Take the inactive (sugar) pills, then start your next packet on time. Some pills, for some women will stop your period from ever coming, as long as you are taking the pill. You can use a HPT once your period is a week late, if it is negative it is safe to assume you are not pregnant and your periods have stopped from taking BCP. If you have any questions call you prescribing doctor or clinic.

Stopped the pill on monday but don't want my period its Wednesday if i take the pill will it stop my period coming?

It depends on what type of pill you are on. If it is a regular pill that lets your have periods monthly, then you most likely will have it Wednesday. If your're taking a birth control that makes you have your period a few times a year, then you probably will not have it Wednesday.