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After stopping the pill, your next period will come in 4-6 weeks, and will soon return to its previous pattern, as it was before you were on the pill.

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Q: Is you period the same after stopping the pill?
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How soon after stopping the mini pill will you get your period?

some women usually get their period a month to a couple months after stopping the mini pill. 1-3 months!!

Can stopping the birth control pill affect your period?

When you stop taking the birth control, your period may change in a few ways. First, it will probably get a bit heavier and crampier again, reverting to the pattern it had before you started the pill. (Since the pill makes most women's periods lighter and less crampy, stopping it removes this benefit.) Second, your period may not have the same timing it had when you were on the pill. When you stop, your next period will come in 4-6 weeks.

Can stopping taking the pill make your period late?

Yes, but so can pregnancy.

Does period come straight away after stopping pill even if not due?

Your period may start within 5 days after going off the pill or it may come when it is due.

Is spotting normal after coming off the pill?

Yes, it is very normal, you might even end up with a regular period after stopping the pill.

Why did you get your period 2 days after stopping your pill?

That's normal. Just as stopping the active pills (typically after three weeks) leads to period-like withdrawal bleeding, stopping your birth control pills at any time in the cycle may lead to period-like withdrawal bleeding.

If you were only on the pill for 1 week how long should you wait for your period?

Hello, You will experience a withdrawal bleed within 2 weeks of stopping the pill. 2-4 weeks after the withdrawal bleed your period will arrive.

Is it bad if you are on your period and you start the active pills of the contraceptive pill one day early?

No, my wife does this as well as not stopping taking the active pill after the 21st day so she can control when her period arrives or not so she can do things without worrying about having a period.

Why will your period not stop after having stopped using the pill?

Your body has to go back into a normal cycle after stopping the pill so it make take a cycle or two for your period to become regular. Go see your doctor to help you with this.

Any tips for getting pregnant after stopping the pill for a week?

Get off the pill - not only for a week, but stay off. When your period returns to normal, have lots of sex. Hope for the best.

Can stopping the birth control pill make your period longer?

When you take the birth control pill, you can expect shorter and lighter periods. When you stop the pill, your periods go back to their natural length and heaviness of flow.

Can you get your period again a few days after stopping your birth control pills midpack?

Yes the bleeding experienced while taking the inactive pill is not a period, it is withdrawal bleeding caused by hormones dropping. Stopping the pill mid-pack will cause the same withdrawal bleeding. Your periods will resume after your uterine lining starts building up and shedding - if you are not pregnant. It takes 4 to 6 weeks from the end of a packet - stopping mid cycle will cause spotting but should not delay your cycle from returning.