Do the intercourse in the safe period. It normally starts from 5 days before the cycle and 10 days after the menstrual cycle.
how long dhould the bleeding occur after intercourse when you are pregnant how long should the bleeding occur after intercourse when you are pregnant
No. Can you get pregnant ever time you have sexual intercourse? Yes. Is there something you can do to decrease the risk of getting pregnant everytime you have sexual intercourse? Yes.
Do you mean can you get pregnant from anal sex? No, you can't, if that's what you're asking...
Yes, it is very possible to get pregnant anytime you have intercourse. VERY RARELY do women even get pregnant while on their period.
sexual intercourse
Ask her to have intercourse.
Sexual intercourse.
Artificial insemination.
No, a woman cannot get pregnant from intercourse with animals. Pregnancy can only occur if there is sexual intercourse between a female and a male of the same species.
NO! unless your doctor artificially insemenates you when you are trying to get pregnant.
No. A female can only get pregnant through sexual intercourse with a male.
You cannot get pregnant by kissing, you can only get pregnant by sexual intercourse.