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The white fluid is just your body healing, and nothing to be concerned about. You do want to clean it often so it does not get infected. Your biggest concern is when the liquid is green or yellow. At that point, consult a piercer for suggestions, most of the time, they will tell you to either use triple anti-bacterial ointment, or have you remove the jewelry and see a doctor about antibiotics.

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Q: Whats it mean when white liquid come out after nipple piercing?
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It's probably a bunch of white blood cells trying to get rid of the foreign body, but just in case, I would go back to the place where you got it pierced and get a second opinion from a professional because it could be infected.

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It's the tongues version of a scab it will ease off as the piercing heals, relax.

What do you do if your lip piercing is all white and you took the ring out?

If its only white around he piercing it may just be dry. Put the ring back in and moisturize the area with jojoba, emu, or vitamin E oil. If it's leaking greenish/yellow liquid/goop, it's probably infected. Keep a steel ring/stud in it. Don't leave it naked or it could form an abcess.