It's probably a bunch of white blood cells trying to get rid of the foreign body, but just in case, I would go back to the place where you got it pierced and get a second opinion from a professional because it could be infected.
No Having any form of lump or bump next to a closed piercing indicates there is some form of issue with the piercing. This also depends on how long the jewellery has been out of the piercing and how long you had the piercing before removing the jewellery. If you develop any pain or discomfort seek the assistance of your doctor.
No it's not scar tissue, it's just the tongue's equivalent to a scab. This will disappear over the next few days as the piercing heals and toughens.
That is a hypertrophic reaction. This is a reaction to an irritant, generally the over use of cleaning products and failure to rinse the piercing out correctly after cleaning. Irrigate the piercing under running water and stop using whatever you are using for cleaning the piecing , the bump will go away over the next 5 days.
Your piercing is infected and you should remove it. You should go to a doctor to get a prescription so the infection goes away and so you do not get very sick.
It'll usually be red and puffy, it will hurt, there might be a small bump next to or near the ear piercing, and/or a bunch of white stuff comes out of the ear piercing.excessive redness / pain / swelling - the first signs.It will be like a huge very hard zit around the holeand it will be pussy and red.
Yes, you can. During the initial healing period it is always best if you get your nipple ring changed by the piercer, but after your nipple piercing has healed completely, you can change it on your own, at will. Here's how: 1) Make sure that the new nipple ring which you intend to insert is disinfected properly. Cleaning it with some antibacterial soap often does the trick. In addition to the nipple ring, your hands as well as the nipple piercing should be cleaned thoroughly with antibacterial soap. 2) Now for removing the old nipple ring. You need to start by pressing your skin next to one hole of the nipple piercing. Keeping the skin pressed, you have to slowly remove the ring from the piercing bit by bit till it comes out completely. 3) The new nipple ring should be inserted in much the same way. You have to pinch your nipples to make the piercing visible and then put the ring into one hole. Slowly keep pushing the nipple ring further into the hole till you see it come out from the other hole. Once inserted fully, you simply need to close the ring or tighten any screws on the ring. If you are finding it a little difficult, you should oil your piercing and your new nipple ring with some water based lubricant before changing the nipple ring, as this will facilitate the process. Putting a hot compress on your skin or taking a hot shower just prior to changing your nipple ring also helps a lot as this makes your skin softer, which enables the nipple ring to be changed relatively easier. With practice, it will become very easy to change your nipple ring, and practice you will get aplenty. What with the thousands of varieties of nipple rings available nowadays, you might just end up changing your nipple ring very often. Hence the above advice is sure to come in handy, provided of course that you do have a nipple piercing!
Well it's called a "Hypertrophic Reaction". It's a reaction to the cleaner you are using on your piercing, this can be facial scrubs, cleaners, soaps and what ever else you are using on your face in the area of the piercing. Flush the piercing out daily under running water while moving the jewellery to rinse the stuff out of the piercing. Don't use any cleaners or scrubs in the area of the piercing. The flushing daily will allow the piercing to settle down over the next few days.
next to the big purple rock that was yellow flowers and has a big bump on it haha
most likely the tragus piercing. but that's still on the ear.
should i be worried about this bump at the corner of my right ears?
What you have is a Hypertrophic Reaction (this is a reaction to an irritant) generally due to the misuse of cleaning or healing agents. Irrigate the area with lots of clean running water and cease using anything else on the piercing for cleaning other than just water. The bump will dry up over the next 5 to 7 days, once the bump is gone (it may take a week or longer to make the bump go away), rinse your piercing under running water only and the bump will stay away.
Up your mon's herpes and next to her one nipple.