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Q: What year was a Smith and Wesson 17-2 Serial K728224 Built?
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that is determined by the revolvers serial number.....................

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It was built in 1983.

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Unknown. Shipped @ 1973

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Standard Catalog of Smith and Wesson

What make is a smith and Wesson pistol with a serial number D255280?

Smith and Wesson is the make.

What year manufacturing 357 S and W serial?

Smith and Wesson makes parts in batches. There is no guarantee that a frame made and serial numbered today will be built today. The best you can do is to get the approximate date it was shipped from Smith and Wesson to a distributor. If you had provided the serial number, an answer could be given.

When was your smith and Wesson model 14 serial number K339688 made?

There really is no way to know exactly when it was made. Smith and Wesson makes parts in batches and there is no guarantee that a frame made today will be built today. The closest you can come is a date showing when it shipped from the Smith and Wesson wareshouse. This particular serial number was shipped @ 1958.

How old is a Smith and Wesson Serial number 5D19983?

Your serial number was used by Smith and Wesson for the models 10,12,13,45,64,65,547.It dates this serial number to the year 1979.

What is the date of manufacture on smith and Wesson serial number BSB9900?

K 7981 smith&wesson