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Standard Catalog of Smith and Wesson by Supica and Nahas

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Q: What are serial numbers for Smith and Wesson pistols?
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Smith and Wesson model 29 serial numbers?

Standard Catalog of Smith and Wesson, 3rd ed.

Where can you look up Smith Wesson Serial numbers?

Standard Catalog of Smith and Wesson, 3rd, ed.

What is the date of smith and Wesson pistol with 456274 serial number?

There have been thousands of Smith & Wesson pistols produced and the date depends on the model of the gun and then the serial number. Have a gunsmith or collector do an appraisal of the firearm and they will tell you the age.

How do you decode smith and Wesson serial numbers for a model 28 2?

You buy a book that has the serial numbers in it.

What is CTG on Smith and Wesson Pistols?


Where can you search old smith and Wesson gun serial numbers?

You will need to buy or find a copy of the Standard Catalog of Smith and Wesson.

Where are Smith and Wesson Serial Numbers Model 65-1?

Blue Book of Gun Values or Standard Catalog of SMith and Wesson.

What is the age of Smith and Wesson model 4046TSW serial no BDH3429?

what is the Ser # on my S&W 4046tew isTDU8732.I can say that the Smith and Wesson model 4046TSW(tactical Smith and Wesson) was reintroduced in the year 2000.These semi-auto pistols were made from 2000-2002.

Can you list Serial Numbers for Smith and Wesson Model 34?


What year did smith and Wesson model 10 first use serial numbers?

The Model 10 has always used serial numbers.

What is the date of manufacture for a smith and Wesson K22 serial K20708?

Your Smith and Wesson K-22 was made in the year 1948,with the serial number K20708.That year the serial numbers were K18732-K73121.I hope that you find this informative.

Does smith and Wesson or Remington sell pistols?

smith and weeson sells pistols but remington only shot guns and rifles