To find the year that any Winchester gun was made, you just need to know which model it is and what the serial number is (the model number and serial number are stamped on the gun itself). . Then go to this website and it will tell you when it was made:
looking for info on Winchester model 280 in a 22 caliber simi-automatic. when made and value of the gun now. Thanks
The Winchester 55 .22 caliber was not serialized.
your Winchester model 1906 was made in 1924.
Your winchester model 77 rifle is valued at between 75-175 dollars depending on overall condition.
Your winchester model 1894 rifle was made by winchester in 1898.
The numbers .308 are the caliber of your rifle,not the model number.Please include the model number and serial number to get the age of your Winchester rifle.
Have you tried a google search?
Depending on the condition, anywhere from $500-1000.
your Winchester model 70 was produced in 1968.
Virtually impossible to determine caliber by just the serial number.
22 caliber rifle Winchester model 61 serial number 46958 is considered very valuable. This specific Winchester model group is worth any where from 500 dollars to over 3,000 dollars.
your Winchester model 1894 was made in 1909.As to the caliber it should be marked on the barrel of the rifle.(ie,30 30-30 caliber).32wcf is 32 Winchester special.38-55 is another possable caliber.