Your winchester model 77 rifle is valued at between 75-175 dollars depending on overall condition.
looking for info on Winchester model 280 in a 22 caliber simi-automatic. when made and value of the gun now. Thanks
Depending on the condition, anywhere from $500-1000.
== == What is the value of 30 caliber Winchester 1894 ?
Your Model 03 Winchester was manufactured in 1909. They are quite collectable and are selling for between $800 and $ 1,200.
I have one
Winchester Model 1882, 32-20 caliber, what is the value good condition
100-1000 USD depending on specifics
No such caliber.
The Model 99C is not a Winchester... instead, it was made by the Savage Arms Company.
The Winchester model 1894 rifle was never chambered in the 30-06 caliber.
50-500 usd