looking for info on Winchester model 280 in a 22 caliber simi-automatic. when made and value of the gun now. Thanks
No. I visited the Browning Web site and found that the only caliber they had close to the 280 was the 270. Of the moderate priced rifles a 280 can be obtained from Remington, Thompson Center and you might be able to find one in a Winchester Mod 70 Lightweight.
I would go to Numrich gun parts corp.They may be found on the web.
.28 and .280 are the same diameter bullet. I know of no pistols in .280, with the possible exception of some of the single shot pistols that fire rifle cartridges. I know of no cartridge called the .28.
Contact SIG.
Standard Vanguard is about $400. My references do not show they were made in .280 caliber.
Generally speaking, no. You can only fire the caliber for which the gun is chambered. There are some exceptions, but not many.
Yes- a very good deer rifle.
Yes it is very real. Right on the corner of Winchester and Hwy. 280 in San Jose, CA.
assuming you are talking calibers and not models the difference between a .270 caliber and a .280 caliber rifle is .1 inches in combustion chamber diameter.both cartridges are based on the 30-06 goverment case.The .270 winchester is necked down and accepts a bullet of .277in.diameter.The 280 remington cartridge is also necked down from the 30-06 goverment case and fires a bullet diameter of .284in. The basic differencebetween both cartridges amounts to the bullet diameter difference of .007in.In other words both cartridges are essentially the same.
Many do, but, not all the time. You will have to call to find out.
is there a diagnostics plug in on an e class 280 mercedes 1994 model please?