Winchester Model 1882, 32-20 caliber, what is the value good condition
With the serial number that you provided,your Winchester model 1894 scout carbine was produced by Winchester in the year 1982.
Your serial number indicates that your Winchester model 1894 rifle/carbine was made in the year 1976.
Your Winchester model 1894 rifle/carbine was made in the year 1971,with the serial number that you have provided.
Your serial number indicates that your Winchester model 1894 rifle/carbine was made in the year 1908.
This question cannot be answered unless you provide the serial number to your Winchester model 1894 rifle/carbine.
If your question pertains to the Winchester model 1894?Then with the serial number that you have supplied,indicates that your Winchester carbine was made in the year 1991.
Your serial number indicates that your Winchester model 1894 rifle/carbine was made in the year 1972.
Your serial number indicates that your Winchester model 94 rifle/carbine was made in the year 1967.
Your serial number indicates that your Winchester model 94 rifle/carbine was made in the year 1979.
Your serial number indicates that your Winchester model 1894 rifle/carbine was made in the year 1954.
Your serial number indicates that your Winchester model 1894 rifle/carbine was made in the year 1961.
Your serial number indicates that your Winchester model 1894 rifle/carbine was made in the year 1972.