The numbers .308 are the caliber of your rifle,not the model number.Please include the model number and serial number to get the age of your Winchester rifle.
With the serial number that you have provided,your Winchester model 70 rifle in .308 caliber was made in the first part of the year 1982.
How old is the Model 94 Winchester 3030 serial 4554129?
With the serial number that you provided,your winchester model 1894 rifle was made by winchester in 1913.
Your winchester model 1894 was produced by winchester in 1929.
Your Winchester model 1894 was made by Winchester in 1957.
Your winchester model 1894 rifle was made by winchester in 1950.
Your Winchester model 1894 was made by Winchester in 1952.
Your Winchester model 1894 was made by Winchester in 1951.
Your Winchester model 62 was made by winchester in 1936.
Your Winchester model 74 was made by winchester in 1950.
your Winchester model 63 was made in 1946.
your Winchester model 1894 was made in 1900.