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The first African slaves arrived in Hispaniola in 1501.

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Q: What year did slaves first arrive in the new world from Africa?
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What is the name of slaves' journey from Africa to the colonies of the new world?

Middle Passage was the name of the slaves journey from Africa to the colonies of the new world.

How were slaves brought into the new world?

Slaves were brought to the New World when the Triangle Trade came around. Africa sent slaves to America and England in return for the imports that Africa got from them.

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The first hominin found to arrive in the New World was Homo erectus. Fossils of Homo erectus have been found in regions of Asia and Europe, indicating that they were the earliest hominins to have migrated out of Africa.

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What is the continent from which many slaves were brought to the new world?


What is the African slave triangle?

Slaves were shipped from Africa to the New World to make products which were shipped to Europe, which in turn send ships to Africa for more slaves.

Why were the slaves brought to the New World in the first place?

slaves were brought to the new world in the first place because the Europeans had found these lands and wanted to plant sugar canes,tobacco,and later on cotton and rice and needed people to work on the plantations so they went to Africa and brought the Africans to work on the plantations as slaves.

Why did the African slaves move to American?

they were sold by the kings and queens of Africa and then brought all over the world as slaves

Did African slaves usually enjoyed their trip from Africa to the New World?


What percentage of slaves died while in route to the New World from Africa?


When did the first captive laborers arrive in the new world?

As early as 1550 the Spanish brought slaves to Mexico . It is estimated that 12 million people were enslaved and were part of the early economics of the New Worlds.

What continent slaves were brought to the new world?

Most of the slaves that were brought to the New World, or the Americas, were from the continent of Africa. They were either sold by African chief or Arab slave traders to Portuguese or Spanish slave traders. More specifically, West Africa is where most of the slaves had previously lived. The slave trade was very popular and prosperous for slave traders. The first nation to profit on slaves was Portugal.