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Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

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Q: What is the brutal passage taken by slaves from Africa to the new world?
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What is meant by middle passage of the slaves?

The middle passage was a passage taken by boat from Africa to Spain for slave trade conducted by the US in the sixteen hundreds. It was a very brutal and dangerous trip as the slaves were treated horribly and many often died in the trip. My knowledge is basic, but I hope this helps.

Where did the middle passage occur?

The slaves were taken from Africa, back to the Americas of Europe

The trip taken by slaves across the Atlantic Ocean was called what?

The middle passage

Where were most slaves taken from?


From witch countries in Africa were African slaves taken from?


Why is the sea route between Africa and the west indies called the blood passage?

The trade route from Africa to the West Indies is called the 'blood passage' because slaves were picked up in Africa and taken to the West Indies. Slavers used to pick up far too many slaves for their ships to hold and so many died on the journey or were thrown overboard.

Where did the slaves get taken to?

America and England from Africa

Where were slaves taken from to America?

West Africa

What group of people was taken to America and sold as slaves?

Africans from West Africa were taken to the Western Hemisphere and sold as slaves to the European colonists.

Where were the slaves from Africa taken to?

many slaves were taken from the West Coast of Africa. Their chiefs were bribed with alcohol and weapons made by the British. They were taken to America where they worked on the cotton plantations and, to a lesser extent, coffee plantations

What dangerous route was taken to bring African slaves to America?

The middle passage.

What was the trip taken by slaves across the Atlantic Ocean called?

The middle passage