it is easy if a girl like you she will almost tell every one but not your friends she will smile at you when she looks at you she will talk about you. and i am a girl and you don't know if she like you or not so TELL HER she will what to hear! BUT DONT ASK HER IN FRONT OF PEOPLE IF YOU ASK HER IN FRONT OF PEOPLE SHE WILL ALWAYS SAY KNOW IF A GIRL DOES NOT LIKE YOU WELL SHE WONT LOOK AT YOU OR SMILE WHEN YOU LOOK SHE WILL DO OPPISITE YOU GET IS Now sorry for so much but please ASK HER! ASK HER! ASK HER! ASK HER!
Only she could answer this for sure but I'd say that it is a very good chance that she does.
make conversation, and give him questions that are difficult but that will make him say that he likes you. ask him what he likes in you.
Well tell the truth, if you stalked her in extremes to get it, just tell her that you needed something from her and you asked one of her friends for it. lol
you just tell him, but down play it , or get your best friend to ask the boy if he likes you, if he says yes, than you already know he likes you so saying it to him wont be a problem, that's what i did an i have had mt boyfriend for five years.
You need to be completely honest with your reply.
To get a girl to tell you she likes you, you have to make her KNOW that you like her. If you don't she might feel too insecure to tell you.
if she likes you maybe ask her out and tell her how you feal about her hope this helps
say "i like you" then whip out your hooded warrior
she would probbaly go all stuttery around you and go red and evreything and if the girl likes you shell come forward and say
if your friend is a girl and your a boy you tell them that you know someone likes likes you and she asks who say "i cant tell you." and then the next day tell her you like her. if your a girl telling a boy that same thing. if your a girl taking to a girl tell them you are like a sister or brother to each other or something like that
just ask her if she likes you, say that someone told you that she did and you want to know if she does or not. if you dont want to say that then tell her you like her. hope i helped :)
the best thing you can do is tell her that you like her. make sure you compliment her and also ask her who she likes.
you can say that you like someone else and that there are other boys out there other than the one that the girl likes
Tell him you like him
tell them that you respect people and there relationship