A request is when you ask, a command is when your demanding something
Request processor is a class which is responsible for handling request and response it is provided by struts framework if we want to customize our controller we can make in this class. Request Dispatcher is an interface which supports for dispatching request from one page to another page in a application(page may be a servlet file,JSP
A letter is a written communication of information, any kind of information.An application is a written request (often a form) for consideration for or inclusion in something.
what is difference between communication and transport
difference between ip address and class
the difference is...
difference between command and statement
It is my kind and humble request
differnece between a military sevice and a combatant command
i am starving
difference between command and statement
ask your ma
The opposite of command can be request
A move command is simply a copy command which deletes the original once it's finished.
The command is: diff file1.txt file2.txt
Operational command = you can tell them what to do. Operational control = you can make them do it
A subpoena is an order with the force of law behind it. A request is just that, you are ask if you will do something.