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difference between ip address and class

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Q: What is the difference between classes of IP addresses?
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IP address is an example of which classes of IP addresses?


In what class is the IP address 185?

There are five IP classes that IP addresses are divided into. The IP address 185 is a class B address. Class B IP addresses have the first three numbers of 128 to 191.

Does class A IP addresses offer the largest possible pool of host addresses?

out of all the classes, yes

What is the difference between private IP addresses and public IP addresses?

public ip-addresses are used in the Internet (they are registered addresses). private ip-addresses are used in local networks. imagine you have a computer in your local network that has a public ip-address and your PC has simultaneously an Internet connection: if you try to ping this pc you wouldn't be able to tell which computer is replying, the local one or the webserver.

Describe the size differences in IPv4 and IPv6 IP addresses?

IPv4 is 32 bits wide, or about 4 billion IP addresses; while IPv6 is 128 bits wide, or about 3.4x10^38 IP addresses. The number of addresses between the two has a difference of 79x10^27 times bigger. It is calculated that the world's energy output combined could only support using 1/3rd of the available addresses in this address space.

The IP addresses available to the Internet are called?

Public IP addresses

What is the difference between ip isdn pstn in computers?

What is difference between public ip and isdn

What is the difference between IP Address and a Web address?

The IP address is the ID that represents an Internet service provider, such as the one you're using to view the Internet. A web address it the address that represents a website which is controlled by certain IP addresses.

Who transmitts IP addresses?

Any system in an Ethernet IP network will transmit IP addresses.

What is the difference between (IP) and (NAT)?

What is the real difference between NAT and PAT? NAT is a feature of a router that will translate IP addresses. When a packet comes in, it will be rewritten in order to forward it to a host that is not the IP destination. A router will keep track of this translation, and when the host sends a reply, it will translate back the other way. PAT translates ports, as the name implies, and likewise, NAT translates addresses. Sometimes PAT is also called Overloaded NAT

What are IP addresses that are not assigned from an available pool of IP addresses?

They are static.

How Many Classes in internet protocal address?

IP addresses are divided into five IP classes:IP address class AIP address class BIP address class CIP address class DIP address class E