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tcpip version 4 is 32 bit where as tcpip v6 is 128bit

tcpip 6 can accomadate blillion of bliions ip addresses

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Q: Difference between tcpip version 4 and tcpip version 6?
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What is the difference between spyware and spam?

1. what is a description & solution spyware & spam?. 2. what is a virus?. 3. what is a description & solution of Trojan horse?. 4. what is a description & solution of worm

What is the AIDA plan?

Persuasion requires the indirect approach. One specialized version is the AIDA plan, which has four phases: 1. Attention 2. Interest 3. Desire 4. Action

What is the difference between qwerty and dvorak?

bothe keyboards organize there keys in a different way QWERTY KEYBOARD: Row 1: `1234567890-= (BackSpace) Row 2:(Tab)asdfghjkl;' Row 3:(Shift)zxcvbnm,./ Row 4:(Control) (FN) (open key) (Alt) (Space Bar) (Alt) (Open key) (Control) arrows DVORAK KEYBOARD: Row 1: 1234567890[]= Row 2: ',.pyfgcrl/ Row 3: aoeuidhtns- Row 4: :qjkxbmwvz

What is the difference between the communication and transmission?

1.Difference between the communication and transmission.Transmission is a physical movement of information and concern issues like bit polarity, synchronisation, clock etc.Communication means the meaning full exchange of information between two communication media. 2. Transmission is a kind of one way data transfer but communication is a two way interactive process in which all the participants actively share their data. 3. Transmission means the transfer of data from the source to the destination.Communication is the process of sending and receiving data by means of a dta cable that is connected externally. 4. transmission means sending some information or data from 1place to another but only transmit where as at receiving end we can not b sure whether it is received or not. communication means two way communication for eg if u send any info or data that must be received at the receiving end 5. In transmission we just transmit the data to the destination. There's no dialogue between the source and the destionation. In communication there will be dialogue between the source and destination.

When typing any letter how many enters should follow the Complimentary Close?

4. The four "enters" leaves space for the signature, which goes between the close and the typed name. Sincerely, MissHargraves

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