The difference between command and statement is that command are generally executable in direct mode. Commands usually perform some type of program maintenance such as editing, clearing, running, or saving programs. On the other side statements are the part of a computer program and run in compilers or indirect mode.
ask your ma
Explanations are how something are made and explanations are more command like...
A statement gives information or opinion. A response is not necessarily required. A questions asks for information or opinion. A response is usually required.
debugger find error and tell us and we remove them manually.interpreter is a translatol that translate source code to macihne statement by statement.
difference between command and statement
difference between command and statement
The difference between command and statement is that command are generally executable in direct mode. Commands usually perform some type of program maintenance such as editing, clearing, running, or saving programs. On the other side statements are the part of a computer program and run in compilers or indirect mode.
What is the difference between a bar scale and a statement scale
differnece between a military sevice and a combatant command
A request is when you ask, a command is when your demanding something
ask your ma
The difference between a scope statement and a project charter is that a project charter acknowledges the projects existence and the scope statement defines the project objectives.
A move command is simply a copy command which deletes the original once it's finished.
we can use switch statement in multiple time but in if statement we can not use multiple time
The command is: diff file1.txt file2.txt