debugger find error and tell us and we remove them manually.interpreter is a translatol that translate source code to macihne statement by statement.
the answer is that no body knows what it is including me so crack it man.:P
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Editor detects and modifies the correction to be made on the spot, while debugger show and does the eiting after the execution of the program.
A translator is written translation. And an interpreter is an oral translation.
the answer is that no body knows what it is including me so crack it man.:P
Neither one of them is a "language translator."
GNU Debugger was created in 1986.
To find answers to the following questions, visit What is a certified translator or interpreter? What is certified translation? What is the difference between translation and interpreting? What is a court interpreter? What is the difference between a registered and a certified court interpreter? Is special training recommended to become a court interpreter? What is ATA Certification? Also, visit:
A compiler transforms source code from a source file into low-level machine code, which is able to be executed directly on the CPU. A translator feeds the source code of a script into a different program that determines what the code is doing and executes the instructions.
Translator Translator Translator Translator Translator Translator Translator Translator Translator Translator
One can find a free debugger for Windows 8 when one goes to the website of stackoverflow. This site has a step-by-step guide to persons needing a free debugger for Windows 8.
DebuggerA debugger is a computer program that is used to test and debug other programs.
Examples of debuggers include gdb (GNU Debugger) for C/C++ programs, Visual Studio Debugger for .NET applications, Xcode Debugger for iOS/macOS apps, and Chrome Developer Tools for debugging JavaScript in web applications.