In coding theory, a linear code is an error-correcting code for which any linearcombination of codewords is also a codeword.The block code and its parameters. Error-correcting codes are used to reliably transmit digital data over unreliable communication channels subject to channel noise.
Their the same
In linear block codes we use individual registers seperately for message bits and for parity bits while transmitting where in case of convolutional codes we use only one register and here the left most bit is the message bit and remaining are parity bits
1 7/8 days Matthew in one day can build 1/3 of the block. Andy in one day can build 1/5 of the block. Together in one day they can build 8/15 of the bolck. It means they need less than 1 day to build 7/15 of the block, which is 7/8 of the day. Thus, they need 1 day and 7/8 of the next day to build the block together.
the difference between the pictorial diagram and schematic diagram is that the pictorial diagram shows the external appearance of the circuit.while the schematic diagram shows only the electrical symbol of the circuit..
BFDs provide a complete overview of the whole process in block diagram form. They summarise the major unit operation between process block units. PFDs characterize all the process flows to and from all the equipment required to perform the process within the boundaries set by the BFD
system block diagram means we have use to only a type of ammeter ,voltmeter ,some cro so,but cable block diagram mean ,we use some,co-axial cable,normal cable,and etc
2352 bytes (the size of a block)
with block diagram of computer with block diagram of computer
I see no diagram. Are you asking what HORIZONTAL force will keep the block from sliding up ? Where is the Diagram?????
mrs. okelley is mean
A carton has 24 drinks in it and a block has 30
yes there is.
tv block diagram explanation
what is the block diagram of smart quill technology pen