all steaks have different amounts of calories ..... it just depends on how fat the cow was.
There are 380 calories per 8 ounce steak.
precisely 5.46744 calories per ounce of rice and about 8.56649 calories per ounce of peppered steak(including the pepper)
If 1oz is 63 calories then its 630calories :)
It depends on the type of steak, how it is cooked, and whether you eat the fat or not.For example, in a grilled/broiled sirloin steak there are:Approx 53 calories per ounce or 28g (lean only fat not eaten)Approx 73 calories per ounce or 28g lean & fatApprox 212 calories in a 4 oz or 114g, steak (lean only)Approx 265 calories in 5 oz or 171g, steak (lean only).
Everclear is 150 calories per ounce which makes it lowest in calories compared to alcohol by volume.
HOW MANY CALORIES IN A 6 OZ SIRLOIN STEAKIn a 6 oz of sirloin steak cooked by overhead grilling/oven grilling/broiling there are:318 calories in a 6 oz sirloin steak (lean only)438 calories in a 6 ounce sirloin steak lean and fat (1/8" fat)53 calories per ounce of sirloin steak (lean only) )73 calories per ounce of sirloin steak lean and fat (1/8" fat)In a 6 oz pan fried sirloin steak there are:402 calories in a 6 oz sirloin steak (lean only)67 calories per ounce of pan fried sirloin steak (lean only)For the free calorie charts showing how many calories you should have in total per day for all foods, and for the calorie counts of the vegetables, salad vegetables or fruits that are served with sirloin steak, see the page links given below. Use the charts as daily guides for weight loss, or weight maintenance once you have reached your target weight.HOW MANY CALORIES PER DAY (for weight loss or weight maintenance)THE CALORIES IN VEGETABLES CHARTTHE CALORIES IN FRUIT CHART26 people, + others elsewhere, found this answer page useful.
Calories in a 7 oz sirloin steakCooked by overhead grilling/oven grilling/broiling there are:371 calories a a 7 oz sirloin steak (lean only)53 calories per ounce of sirloin steak (lean only).In pan fried there are:469 calories in a 7 oz sirloin steak (lean only)67 calories per ounce of sirloin steak (lean only).For the calories in vegetables or fruit to serve with sirloin steak, and free vegetable and fruit calorie charts that you can use as daily guides for either weight loss or weight maintenance, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions..
Fat supplies the most calories per ounce, with 9 calories per gram. This is more than double the calories provided by carbohydrates and protein, which each supply 4 calories per gram.
Calories in sirloin steakWHEN OVERHEAD GRILLED, OVEN GRILLED, OR BROILED: 212 calories in a 4 oz or 114g, sirloin steak (lean only)318 calories in a 6 oz or 171g sirloin steak (lean only)424 calories in an 8 oz or 227g sirloin steak (lean only)636 calories in a 12 oz or 340g sirloin steak (lean only)848 calories in a 16 oz or 454g sirloin steak (lean only)53 calories per ounce or 28 g of sirloin steak (lean only)73 calories per ounce or 28 g of sirloin steak lean and fat (1/8" rim of fat)WHEN PAN FRIED:268 calories in a 4 oz or 114g sirloin steak (lean only)402 calories in a 6 oz or 171g sirloin steak (lean only)536 calories in an 8 oz or 227g sirloin steak (lean only)804 calories in a 12 oz or 340g sirloin steak (lean only)1072 calories in a 16 oz or 454g sirloin steak (lean only)67 calories per ounce or 28 g of sirloin steak (lean only)For free calorie charts to use as daily guides for either weight loss or weight maintenance, and for the calorie counts of the salad, vegetables or fruits that are served with steak, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions..
In general, fruits and vegetables have very few calories per ounce. You can look up the exact values for various foods here: Look into a nutritional database to find out:
Calories in a 4 oz steakCooked by overhead grilling/oven grilling/broiling there are: 196 calories in a 4 oz club/strip/New York/etc (lean only)192 calories in a 4 oz bison/buffalo top sirloin steak (lean only)200 calories in a 4 oz T-Bone (lean only)212 calories in a 4 oz sirloin steak (lean only)204 calories in a 4 oz tenderloin/fillet/filet mignon steak (lean only)212 calories in a 4 oz round or rump steak (lean only)220 calories in a 4 oz Porterhouse steak (lean only).For the calories in the salad, vegetables or fruits that are served with beef, and for free salad, vegetable and fruit calorie charts that are used as daily guides for either weight loss or weight maintenance, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions..
Calories in a T-Bone SteakIn T-bone steak cooked by overhead grilling/oven grilling/broiling there are: 50 calories per ounce or 28 g of T-Bone steak (lean only)80 cals per ounce or 28 g of T-Bone steak lean & fat (¼"rim of fat left on)200 calories in a small, 4 oz or 114g, T-Bone (lean only)300 calories in a medium, 6 oz or 171g, T-Bone steak (lean only)400 calories in a large, 8 oz or 227g, T-Bone steak (lean only)600 calories in a very large, 12 oz or 340g, T-Bone steak (lean only)800 calories in an extra large, 16 oz (1 lb) or 454g, T-Bone steak (lean only)175 cals in 3½ oz or 100g of sliced or chopped T-Bone (lean only).For the calorie counts of the salads, vegetables or fruits that are served with T-Bone steak, and for free vegetable, salad and fruit calorie charts that are used as daily guides for either weight loss or weight maintenance, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions..