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The only natural way to stop your period would be to get pregnant.

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Q: What natural remedies can you take to stop your period?
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What can I take to stop my period?

Nothing that will not damage you permanently. Periods are a natural part of life. The only way to stop them without harmful side effects of medication is to have a hysterectomy.

What are natural drugs?

Natural treatment consists of natural remedies instead of manufactured remedies. For instance, you can stop the itch of a bug bite with a banana peel.

You do not normally take birth control pills can you take it to stop your period?

There is no medical reason not to take BCP to stop your period. Many young teens with heavy, severe periods have been using them for this purpose for years. Just be aware you have to take one every single day in order to stop your period.

Any home remedies to stop cramps?

There are many home remedies to stop cramps like eating a healthy diet and keeping active. Some people also use a hot water bottle or take a warm bath. Massaging the area with cramps also helps.

If am seeing my period can i stop it?

Once your period starts it starts. No worries. It happens to every female who is growing up. The period will eventually stop on its own. You don't need to stop it. I wouldn't recommend trying to stop it either just stay calm and take care of the period. Eventually it'll stop.

If you just started your period and want to skip it for the month can you take start the pill the same day you got your period will it stop it?

You can try, and doing so might stop your period.

How do you delay your menstrual cycle for a week?

You can take Norethisterone which will stop your period for as long as you take it.

How do you stop your mestruation?

you can't really stop a menstrual period, unless you get pregnant, it would stop your period for 9 months (39-42 weeks). to make your period a bit lighter, you can take birth control pills, but that's another explination also. it can make your period lighter and make it last for only a few days (2-3 days instead of average days, which is 4-8 days) but oter than that, you cannot stop your period, it's a natural phase, you have to go throught it once a month, it isn't that bad.

What natural ingredients get rid of roundworm parasites?

Just take the medicine. The homeopathic remedies are not always successful.The longer you have the worms, the higher the chances of complications.

If im starting to take your new birth control pills and your period comes on the 14 but you started taken them on the 12 will that stop your period?

Answering "If im starting to take your new birth control pills and your period comes on the 14 but you started taken them on the 12 will that stop your period?"

Can you stop your period by taking the pill?

Yes. You can delay your period one day for each bcp that you take.

If you take the pill when you start your period will it stop?

yes it will stop. i have taken the pill on my first day an its work