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yes it will stop. i have taken the pill on my first day an its work

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Q: If you take the pill when you start your period will it stop?
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What is a sugar pill and what does it do?

A sugar pill is what women take to start their period. It allows the period to start.

If you just started your period and want to skip it for the month can you take start the pill the same day you got your period will it stop it?

You can try, and doing so might stop your period.

You just got a prescription to birth contol and you started your period do you take the active pill or the sugar pill?

If you just got them then i would wait until sunday or the day after you stop your period and you will start with pill number 1 then go to the sugar pills which you take while you are on your period!

Will loestrin stop your period?

My doctor said that it can stop your period. This pill is to lighten and shorten the length of your period. This pill has more days in which you actually take the bc pill. Other bc pills have like 4 fewer days then you take the sugar pills. If you want to have your period while taking this pill just disregard the last real pill. It should make your start your period. If not skip the last 2. I would talk to your doctor first.

You dont want to be on your period for your party tomorow if you take your pill will it stop?

you cant just take the pill for one day for it to stop. youll have to take it over & over

Does your period start automatically if your on birth control or do you have to stop taking it before your period can start?

It depends on what birth control you're on. You need to take remove the patch and the nuvaring, but if you're on the pill, have an IUD or implanon, or take the shots, your period will regulate itself.

Can you start the pill without having your period?

Your are suppose to start the birth control pill the Sunday after your period. If you haven't had a period its best to take a pregnancy test to make sure your not pregnant. If you test is negative then you can go to your gyne doctor and they can give you a pill to start your period.

If you take the pill before your period starts by accident do you keep takin it or stop and staret on your first day of your period?

AnswerContinue taking the pill. Your period will be a few days earlier to a week earlier but it will not cause any problems unless you stop and re-start the pill. Then you will get crazy periods.But be cautioned you can form blood clots in your legs and maybe die from it so be careful.

Can you stop your period by taking the pill?

Yes. You can delay your period one day for each bcp that you take.

How do periods start?

My period was starting 6april and stop 12 april. I did sex 14april use condom.After sex I could take I-Pill. Then my period was starting 22april. In that case am i pregnent?

I would like to stop taking birth contol when is the best time in my cycle to do so?

well, i start to take the birth control pill. i took one month, but i stop taking the pill the next month. what happen did control your period or not what is the risk.

If i take the first birth control pill on the first day of my period will it stop my period?

Nope, sorry. It won't stop it, the only way to only have a period once every three months is to either switch to Seasonal or not take your sugar pill when it comes to that time.