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you cant just take the pill for one day for it to stop. youll have to take it over & over

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Q: You dont want to be on your period for your party tomorow if you take your pill will it stop?
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What does it mean if in your placebo pill week you dont get your period but you spot light brown and stomach cramps and your new to the pill?

That is your withdrawal bleeding. It's going to be lighter and shorter when you're on the pill.

Drug test tomorow and today you were in the same car as people where smoking pot will it affect your test?

Yes, Take a detox pill

You dont get a period because you are on the pill you tested negative but still feel pregnant?

If you're on the birth control pill and had a negative pregnancy test, it is not likely you are pregnant.

What happens if you don't get your period and you missed a pill?

dont be alarmed nothin will happen you are ok just remember u will get a period right after ur next one because u missed ur pill :( goodluck :)

Is there a way that you can change when your period is scheduled so you dont have it for vacation?

Depends. Are you on the pill? If so yes. Dont take the green sugar pills, just start your next packet. yes there is the pill or a thing like a cup that you put inside your vagina and it collects your period and you don't feel a thing.

Why do you have a period like pain and am not on my period?

This has happened to me, im on the pill and thought i'd missed a period cause i was on my 4th sugar pill on my pill free week, but i then came on on my 5th sugar pill.The contraceptive pill can mess with your period massively.Im currently waiting for my period and im on my 3rd sugar pill so dont worry yet!Are you getting period pains at all? cause i do and it lets me know im going to be on late.xXx

I was on the depo shot for 5 years and did not have periods Now you are on the pill and you do not take the reminder pill I just go straight to the next pack you dont have a period so do I ovulate?

If the pill is working correctly, the odds of ovulating are very low.

Is it normal to get period cramps while on the pill?

Is it normal to get period cramps while on the pill?

I have started a light period whilst on the pill will continuing to take the pill prolong my bleeding or stop it?

dont ever ask a question like that again.. and if you take a bc pill then it wont stop the bleedingggggg.. ask your doctor for more information

What happens if you are on the pill and you spot onE DAY ON WEEK 1 and another on week 2 but dont get your period?

If you don't get your period on week four, chances are good that you're pregnant.

What is a sugar pill and what does it do?

A sugar pill is what women take to start their period. It allows the period to start.

Have recently stopped taking the mini pill and period is late is it because of pregnancy or is the body re-adjusting to life after pill?

I personally dont think you are pregnant. I think your body is just 're-adjusting' as you say. I usually took pills too,(pearl) i dont know if its the same for you,but, when i stopped it took a while for my period to return to normal.