You can take Norethisterone which will stop your period for as long as you take it.
No, a change in the weather cannot affect the menstrual cycle. The menstrual cycle is controlled by hormones in your body, not by the weather.
your menstrual cycle will last about 7 days
The typical menstrual cycle is around 28 days in length, but this varies from person to person so it can be longer or shorter. It's also normal for there to be up to a weeks variation from the average menstrual cycle.
Knowledge of the menstrual cycle is important in controlling fertility. It also helps women understand and control the symptoms, which can be quite distressing and debilitating.
The diclofenac injection does not delay the menstrual cycle. There is no reason why this should happen.
No, eating guava does not delay your period. Menstruation is determined by your menstrual cycle, eating certain things cannot delay your menstrual cycle. The only way to delay your period is with hormonal medications or hormonal birth control.
No, Zyban has no effect on the menstrual cycle. Note: if attempting to quit smoking try Easyway, far more effective.
Not for any reasonable amount.
No, nothing you eat can effect your menstrual cycle.
yes, if you are 35 - 40 years old, otherwise no.
not necessarily
Typically no, mineral and vitamin tablets will not delay your menstrual cycle. In some rare cases if you were to overdose on these sort of tablets it may cause problems such as delayed menstruation, but the likelihood of this happening is very low.
Menstrual cycle refers to the entire reproductive cycle, starting during menstruation - there is no 'after the menstrual cycle' but I think you might mean after menstruation. After menstruation the cycle starts again, typically a woman will be fertile around a week after menstruation so her body will produce fertile cervical mucus and she will ovulate.
a menstrual cycle (more comonly known as a period) lasts about a week and happens once a month.
No, a bladder infection cannot delay your period.Menstruation is determined by your menstrual cycle, a domino affect of hormonal changes between your reproductive organs and your brain. Your bladder is a different part of your body and has no impact on your hormones or menstrual cycle, so an infection makes no difference.
They do not affect the menstrual cycle itself, however, they WILL affect your birth control (decreasing the effectiveness), which CAN effect your menstrual cycle. You can get pregnant or have changes in your menstrual cycle as if you had missed a week or so on your pills.