The diclofenac injection does not delay the menstrual cycle. There is no reason why this should happen.
No, eating guava does not delay your period. Menstruation is determined by your menstrual cycle, eating certain things cannot delay your menstrual cycle. The only way to delay your period is with hormonal medications or hormonal birth control.
Yes, high levels of stress and tension can disrupt the hormonal balance in the body, potentially causing delays in the menstrual cycle. This disruption can result in irregular periods or even missed periods. It's important to manage stress levels to help maintain a regular menstrual cycle.
No, Zyban has no effect on the menstrual cycle. Note: if attempting to quit smoking try Easyway, far more effective.
The colonoscopy itself does not change a menstrual cycle. But all the stress and use of strong bowel cleansing before the test can throw your body off schedule.
Not for any reasonable amount.
In every way in the book!
Yes, stress can effect your menstrual cycle. Your menstrual cycle is all about your body preparing for pregnancy, if you are not physically healthy enough to cope with pregnancy then your body will try to delay ovulation in order to prevent pregnancy - delayed ovulation means delayed menstruation. Typically when we talk about stress effecting the menstrual cycle we're talking about stress severe enough to cause physical changes.
No, nothing you eat can effect your menstrual cycle.
You can take Norethisterone which will stop your period for as long as you take it.
Typically no, mineral and vitamin tablets will not delay your menstrual cycle. In some rare cases if you were to overdose on these sort of tablets it may cause problems such as delayed menstruation, but the likelihood of this happening is very low.
You were five days later than you predicted - this prediction was based on your average menstrual cycle length, but menstrual cycles change and they will not be exactly the same throughout your entire life. Anything up to a weeks variation from your average menstrual cycle is normal, also things such as ill health or stress can delay your menstrual cycles too.