Natural treatment consists of natural remedies instead of manufactured remedies. For instance, you can stop the itch of a bug bite with a banana peel.
Marijuana is a quite natural drug.
Yes, they are in most cases safer. Natural drugs are herbs and other plants that have medicinal uses. Many pharmeceudical (manufactured) drugs, ae a result of extracting the substance in the plant, and changing it in some way in order to patent it. Other pharmeceudical drugs are created in some other way. In either case, natural herbs and plants are usually safer than manufactured drugs in that though they work slower, natural herbs that are used medicinally do not have the side effects that pharmeceudical drugs do. This is not to say that herbs and other natural ways of treating disease may not have side effects, just that they are not as common or severe as manufactured drugs.
natural disasters, and illegal drugs
NO, Pele was 100% natural
Go to rehab!
Natural, chemical derivative, and synthetic.
it is known for the drugs and the tabaco
your mom and drugs
Natural asthma treatment is more of a therapy whereas conventional pharmaceutical drugs treat the symptoms. The benefit of natural asthma treatment may be an eventual non need for drugs. However drugs will help breathing and living for the moment when the asthma symptoms are life threatening or making quality of life low.
The natural way is not to do drugs you can not wash it out or detox it . it has to be destroyed do some homework on
Chemical drugs are typically synthesized in a laboratory and contain specific active compounds. Plant drugs, on the other hand, are derived from plants and may contain a complex mixture of compounds. Plant drugs are often considered more natural but can also have side effects and interactions similar to chemical drugs.