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It is lymph fluid. No need to worry about it, mine did the same thing. Don't try to cut it off or scrub if off with anything, it should go away on it's own in a few weeks. Just don't forget to rinse your mouth with either salt water or alcohol-free mouth wash several times a day, and after you eat or drink anything other than water.

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Q: What is the white stuff around your tongue piercing?
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What if tongue is white after piercing?

Go see a doctor. You either have an infection (white stuff on the surface of the tongue) or may have injured something (a tongue should be pink if it has adequate blood flow.)

Is it normal to have a white looking thing around tongue ring at the borrom of tongue piercing?

Do you mean white crusty stuff on the ball of the tongue ring? If so yes that's normal, its like plaque that builds up on your teeth if you don't brush them, just take out the bar and clean the white stuff off so it doesn't build up! Hope this helps! ______________ Do you mean a pus-mucous type substance on the bottom? If so, then that is from eating/drinking dairy. Avoid dairy at all costs for at least 2 weeks.

Is it normal for you to have a white circle on your tongue around the bottom bar of your tongue piercing. Please note I have had my tongue piercing for three weeks and two days now?

it depends where you go if you do it yourself its 5 dollars for hollow needle mine at Clair's were 20 for belly button 115 for ears (including jewelry)

Is it normal to have a little of white stuff come out of your new toungue piercing?

I have cleaned my mouth as directed, so what gives? The white stuff that sometimes comes out of fresh tongue piercings is called lymph -- it consists of white blood cells that your body uses to try and patch up the hole that was just created in your body. This "phase" of tongue piercings does not usually last long. To remove it, simply brush GENTLY around the barbell with a soft bristled toothbrush.

The hole underneath your tongue piercing has turned white is this infected or just healing?

This is normal and just part of the healing phase for your tongue piercing, this will go away in a few days.

What is the white lump in front of your tongue piercing?

It's the tongues version of a scab it will ease off as the piercing heals, relax.

What is the white stuff that comes out of your tongue when you get your tongue pierced?

Brains, dead brain cells............ OK I digress. It's lymphatic matter, it's the tongues equivalent to a discharge that would occur with any outside piercing (whitish yellow discharge) it's normal and will ease off as the piercing heals and toughens up.

What could white stuff be on a baby's tongue be?


Why does white stuff come out of your ear piercing even though you have had your ear piercing for more than 6 weeks?

The white stuff is dead white blood cells, which means you have an infection. Clean the earrings using a mild disinfectant. Use an antibiotic cream on your ears. That should clear it up.

Is it normal to have small red bumps with white stuff on it on the back of tongue?

yes it normal

You got your tongue pierced like 4 weeks ago and your tongue is still a lilttle bit inflamed you'm getting scared because there's like a white circle around the bottom ball and it has like a redish bu?

At 4 weeks your tongue is no where close to being healed, so swelling and the magic tongue doughnut are not uncommon. stay on your clod stuff and keep the aftercare up, don't forget your Ibuprofen for swelling and in the next two weeks things should start to look a bit more normal. Not everyone handles a tongue piercing the same, some take longer to deal with the swelling so hang in there and stay on the cold stuff.

How do you know if your tongue piercing is infected?

You might see a white pus substance forming around the hole. It could hurt when you swish it around your mouth. Sometimes when there is infection, your gums begin to hurt too.Well I can't show you a picture but I can tell you if your tongue was infected you wouldn't be sitting behind a computer. Sharp pain, swelling, foul odour, puss and bloody discharge, fever and nausea.swellingrednessred streaksbleedingdiscoloration & discharge