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it depends where you go if you do it yourself its 5 dollars for hollow needle

mine at Clair's were 20 for belly button 115 for ears (including jewelry)

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Q: Is it normal for you to have a white circle on your tongue around the bottom bar of your tongue piercing. Please note I have had my tongue piercing for three weeks and two days now?
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Does the bottom of a bucket have a corner?

The bottom of a bucket has one corner. This is the corner where the flat bottom part of the bucket meets the side and rises up, it is curved around in a circle and is the only corner in a bucket's bottom.

How do you reset the new furby?

Unscrew the top from the bottom and look around the circle edge there should be one circle popping out take something small and push it

What to do if you have a dark circle around your nostril piercing?

I would say its getting infected. I had a nostril piercing and it gets infected, get a wet towel but it has to be hot and put it on there almost every day me it works The chances are good that the nostril screw in your piercing is made of Silver and not Surgical Stainless Steel. Silver oxidizes and this tarnishing will actually darken the tissue around the piercing. Changing the jewellery to proper surgical stainless steel body jewellery will resolve the tarnishing issue. Over time with daily washing the darkness around the piercing will wear off and you should be fine.

Is it normal to have a a hard circle around your inner lip piercing?

That just shows that it's healed nicely. However, of there is discharge or pus build up, then there may be a problem.

Does a cone contain a triangle?

No it only contains 2 faces one on the bottom[a circle] and one that goes around the side

Can a circle be inscribed in a rectangle?

Yes! It can(: you draw the circle in the rectangle with its top and bottom touching the top and bottom sides of the rectangle

What does the cone has?

a cone has circle at bottom

How do you solve level 15 on doors?

To solve level 15 on doors, you need to follow these steps: Move the bottom-left circle to the top-right position. Move the bottom-right circle to the bottom-left position. Move the top-right circle to the bottom-right position. Move the top-left circle to the top-right position. Move the bottom-left circle to the bottom-right position. Move the top-right circle to the bottom-left position. Move the top-left circle to the top-right position. Move the bottom-left circle to the top-left position. Move the top-left circle to the top-right position. Move the bottom-right circle to the top-right position. The door will open after completing these steps.

How many times around a twenty four foot circle would equal a mile?

4 times around i believe please tell me if i am right or wrong

Im looking for a site that you can just upload a photo and try on different piercings you would like to get one for real but you want to check them all out before you have a lready got a few suggestio?

If you have a friend that uses photoshop, you can actually "draw" on a piercing and move it around to find a perfect piercing. Have them draw a circle, set the layer properties so it looks 3D and then move it around. It worked for me and helped me decide to get a Monroe piercing! :D

Why is the top and bottom of a cylinder a circle?

because the flat side of a cone is a circle.