These can range in price from 95-250 dollars depending on the exact model(Rem 510,510A,510c,510P,or 510 smooth bore).If your rifle shows between 60%-90% of it,s original finish and a good bore.
current value of a 1941 Remington 510 22cal rifle
The Remington model 510 Target Master was made from 1939-1962.
Your Remington model 510 Target Master will bring between 195-250 dollars in the condition that you describe.
Find the serial number and google the Remington sight. They should have records of when the weapon was produced.
i have a22 cal bolt 510 target master to contact me
The Remington Model 41 Targetmaster was produced from 1936 to 1939 with 306,880 rifles being assembled. Mint condition would be valued at around $300.00
A Remington model 41A is worth between 55-175 dollars,a model 41P is worth between 55-200 dollars,and a model 41SB is running between 210-325 dollars.these Remington single shots were made from 1936-1939 with a total production of 306,880 guns. (forums)
Remington made 306,880 model 41 Target master rifles from 1936-1939. See related links for information on the Remington Society of America for the date code information stamped on the barrel (month/year)
The first model 41A targetmaster was made in the year 1936.the Target master series of rifles which includes the model 41A,41AS,41P,41SB were made from 1936-1940.
They were produced from 1939-1962, and I've seen them at auctions going for $90-300.
Remington model 41 target master is an awesome old-time single shot .22 rifle. No provisions for a scope only open sights, a very long (69cm) barrel. My grandfather owned one when I was a kid.