The Remington Model 41 Targetmaster was produced from 1936 to 1939 with 306,880 rifles being assembled. Mint condition would be valued at around $300.00
Your Remington model 510 Target Master will bring between 195-250 dollars in the condition that you describe.
The Remington model 510 Target Master was made from 1939-1962.
They were produced from 1939-1962, and I've seen them at auctions going for $90-300.
current value of a 1941 Remington 510 22cal rifle
Find the serial number and google the Remington sight. They should have records of when the weapon was produced.
i have a22 cal bolt 510 target master to contact me
I think you mean a Sportmaster 512, Remington didn't make a Model 52. In MINT, like new condition around $300.-
The Model 41 TargetMaster sells in the $100-$150 range in top condition.
A Remington model 41A is worth between 55-175 dollars,a model 41P is worth between 55-200 dollars,and a model 41SB is running between 210-325 dollars.these Remington single shots were made from 1936-1939 with a total production of 306,880 guns. (forums)
Which model, what condition, condition, and condition?????
which model, what condition?