Based on the serial number, it was manufactured in 1944. Also, it was made by Colt. If the slide reads Remington Rand that means someone put a Remington rand slide on your colt frame. The frame was certainly made by Colt and serialized in 1944. The slide may have been replaced in a refurbishment later on (early 50's) during the Korean War. During the Korean war, before the Korean war or last year. No way of knowing WHEN the slide was replace As stated, it's a Colt mfg frame with a Remington slide...
Remington firearms can (sometimes) be dated, not from the serial number, but by a 2 or 3 LETTER code stamped on the left side of the barrel about a half inch from the frame. Use a magnifier and a good light to find the letters. There is a letter chart at the Remington Collectors Association website that will covert those to month and year of manufacture. Good luck!
Remington Firearms are dated from a 2 or 3 LETTER code stamped on the barrel, left side about a quarter inch from the frame. If that is the original barrel, the Remington Collector's Association website has the key to checking month and year of manufacture. You may need a good light and a magnifying glass to see the letters.
Remington firearms are dated from a 2 or 3 LETTER code stamped on the barrel, left side about a quarter inch from the frame. If that is the original barrel, the Remington Collector's Association website has the key to checking month and year of manufacture. You may need a good light and a magnifying glass to see the letters.
More information needed - is it solid frame with pull pin cylinder (Young America Double Action). or hinged frame auto ejecting (PREMIER)?
The 510 was made from 1939 to 1962. Remington rifles are dated not by serial number, but a 2 or 3 letter code on the barrel (left side, just ahead of the frame, small letters, use a bright light and magnifier) Once you find the letters, use the link at the page bottom to look up your dates.
barrel or frame
In order to precisely locate the GPi target, and to ensure the probe is precisely placed in the target, a "stereotactic frame" is used.
The projected time frame for achieving the stock price target is typically within the next 12 months.
I have an 8 x 10 Master Simpson by Devis processed on wood by Nostra. Very old and in excellent condition.. In a nice/old frame.
Remingtons are best dated not from a serial number, but from the barrel code. This is 2 or 3 very small letters stamped on the LEFT side of the barrel very close to the receiver (frame) See link below for interpreting the letters.
I can say that the Iver johnson target model small frame(,22cal)was made from 1925-1928.The iver johnson target large frame(.22cal)was made from 1921-1941.