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The slowest shooting machine gun ever made would have to be the Colt 1895 best known as the Potato Digger. It had a rate of fire of only 400 rounds per minute.

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Q: What is the slowest shooting machine gun?
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What machine gun has the slowest rate of fire?

The "Potato Digger" was not the slowest rate of fire weapon. The French Chauchat machine gun fired 240 rounds per minute

Where can you buy a machine gun OR where could you shoot a machine gun?

If you live in a state where machine guns are legal, you must find a shooting range that is a class III dealer and has a machine gun to rent. Otherwise, to legally shoot one, you have to find someone who owns a machine gun and let them take you to the range.

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A Machine gun can be hand held, and it functions by shooting rapid fire, while a cannon only shoots one large cannon and then you would need to re load it.

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Why is the nssf against gun control?

That is the National Shooting Sports Foundation. They promote shooting sports. Gun control attempts to prevent ownership of guns used in shooting sports. No gun= no shooting sports.

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light machine gun is the m249 a medium machine gun is the m240 and the heavy machine gun is the browning m2 50. cal machine gun

How many rounds can an average mini gun fire in a minute?

The M134 Minigun can fire anywhere from 2,000 to 6,000 rounds per minute. It is a six-barreled machine gun which uses the Gatling-gun style of shooting.

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A shooting iron is a gun.

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A sub-machine gun fires pistol cartridges. A machine gun fires rifle rounds.

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Tommy guns main use?

Shooting people. That's a misleading answer. At one time, the Tommy gun was popular among gangsters. Now days, it's uncommon for a machine gun to be used in a crime. Machine guns today are mostly used by target shooters and collectors.