A Machine gun can be hand held, and it functions by shooting rapid fire, while a cannon only shoots one large cannon and then you would need to re load it.
I believe that a cannon has a larger caliber than a machine-gun.
Cannon is a term typically used to denote a weapon with a bore of 20mm or greater.
a male tank has a cannon gun a female tank has a machine gun
A cannon is a direct fire weapon as used on tanks. A machine gun is rapid fire weapon of a smaller caliber used by infantry or aircraft, and a howiitzer is artillery which uses a high angle of fire to project shells in a plunging manner on the target. In general, a cannon is 20mm or larger, a machine gun is 20mm or smaller and a howitzer is 75mm or larger.
A sub-machine gun fires pistol cartridges. A machine gun fires rifle rounds.
Machine guns and cannon.
Machine gun is a much broader category, which includes both current and obsolete models. The Maxim gun is a specific type of machine gun, and an obsolete one, at that.
Gun is the general name for a firearm- it could mean a rifle, shotgun, pistol, or cannon. Bullet is the term for the part of a cartridge that is fired out of the muzzle of a gun.
Canon refers to a set of works deemed significant or authoritative within a particular field, such as literature or music. Cannon, on the other hand, is a large artillery gun or a type of explosive device.
Rifles, pistols, shotguns, machine guns, cannon.
A large fighting machine that usually consists of a heavy cannon and light machine gun.
If NOT fired from the hand or shoulder, AND has a barrel 20mm or larger in diameter, it's a cannon. The M203 Grenade laucher is 40mm, but fired from the shoulder- not a cannon. The Bradley has a 25mm Chain Gun- over 19mm, not fired from shoulder- cannon.