The "Potato Digger" was not the slowest rate of fire weapon. The French Chauchat machine gun fired 240 rounds per minute
The slowest shooting machine gun ever made would have to be the Colt 1895 best known as the Potato Digger. It had a rate of fire of only 400 rounds per minute.
The rate of fire may be anywhere from 200 to 6,000 shots per minute, depending on the gun. There is no one rate of fire for all machine guns.
Fully automatic firearms (machineguns) truly have a rate of fire, as they continue to fire as long as the trigger is held down. Semi-auto, pump, bolt and lever firearms fire one shot, and will either reload, or are reloaded by the shooter manipulating the gun's action. A single shot firearm must be loaded by hand, and would be the slowest of conventional firearms. The absolute slowest rate of fire would be a flintlock rifle, which has a rate of fire by a skilled rifleman of about 2 shots per minute.
The Metal Storm is the World's fastest machine gun. It fires 1660 bullets in every second up to 1 million rounds per minute without having someone to crank it up. The Metal Storm can be an unmanned machine gun and can open fire automatically because the computer is operating the machine gun. No other machine gun in the World can fire as fast as the metal storm at that kind of firing speed. Metal Storm is one of the fastest machine gun in the World and can fire more bullets much faster than other machine guns. Metal Storm is not an actual machine gun. It is a volley gun. See the Related Question below for a better discussion of what a real machine gun is, and which has the highest rate of fire.
anywhere between 3.2 and 12 on a newer machine gun. WW2 weapons such as Browning M3 "grease gun" and Thompson submachine gun could fire at a rate of 5 to 12.5 rounds per Second. The German medium machine gun, MG42, had a rate of 25 rounds per second. The modern US M-60 evloved from this gun. Later guns such as AK-47 and M-16 could fire from 12 to 15 rounds per second.
There was more than 1 model. Rates of fire vary from about 600 to 1,500 rounds per minute, depending on model.
You're probably thinking of the M134 'Minigun', which is capable of firing at a rate of 6000 rounds per minute.
The possible most dangerous in terms of high rate of fire is the MG 42 but in power is the M2HB .50.
The BAR machine gun is recommended for its accuracy and portability whereas with the browning you sacrifice these qualities for greater fire rate, ammo capacity and bullet penetration. Actually, the Browning Automatic Rifle (aka Browning Machine gun) IS the BAR; they are one and the same. BAR is an acronym for Browning Automatic Rifle.
The aircraft mounted machine gun was at first simply a ground machine mounted for a gunner to fire. All sides in WW1 used it. The first successful machine gun fired by a pilot was the Lewis machine gun on a special mounting attached to the top wing, allowing the gun to fire over the propellor.
The M60 general purpose machine gun has a cyclic fire rate of 500-650 rounds per minute.