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Usually 6 weeks after giving birth but sometimes you can have your period up to 3 months later.

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Q: What is the normal time frame for getting your period after giving birth?
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Is your period supposed to be normal after getting off birth control?

Everyone starts getting their period after birth control eventually.

Is it normal for you to be bleeding six weeks after giving birth?

yes it is probably your period.

How long after giving birth is normal for your period to return if you have breastfeed and had implanon implant?

Both breastfeeding and the contraceptive implant can prevent bleeding.

Is it normal not to get your period at all while on birth control?

Yes. Some birth control methods stops a women from getting a period for up to 15-18 months at times. Especially if you are using the Depo-provera birth control shot.

Can starting birth control pills after giving birth trigger your period?

Sometimes yes.

Is it normal not to have my period since giving birth to my daughter three months ago?

Breast feeding is a natural inhibitor of fertility, so if you're breast feeding you will be highly unlikely to have periods. Non-breast feeding mothers could expect to return to a fairly normal menstrual cycle about 10 weeks after giving birth but this can vary.

When do your periods return after birth?

Generally, a woman can expect a period by about 6 weeks after giving birth.

When should you get your period after giving birth?

It could take 6 weeks for you to see a proper period.

How long does your first period last after giving birth?

6 weeks

I got one normal period after giving birth and then haven't got one since is me cycle still messed up?

You haven't given enough information. I'll try to answer anywayAfter giving birth you will have bloody discharge for up to 1 month. It will slowly get less and less. This is not really a period.Sometime between 6 weeks and 4 months after giving birth most women will begin to have periods again. They should be fairly regular after they resume but may vary by as much as a week earlier or late for several months.If you have had a real period and have stopped getting it there are three main reasons doctors will explore. First, are you breastfeeding? Many women don't have any period at all while they are breastfeeding. Second, is your thyroid normal? Sometimes after pregnancy a woman's thyroid can go haywire. This can be checked with a simple blood test. Finally, are you pregnant again? It is possible to get pregnant as soon as one month after giving birth!

Is it normal for a hamster to be bleeding 1 year after giving birth?

yes its have periods

Is it normal for a pit bull to nest after giving birth?

yes. ov coures.