Everyone starts getting their period after Birth Control eventually.
No it isn't normal.
Yes. Some birth control methods stops a women from getting a period for up to 15-18 months at times. Especially if you are using the Depo-provera birth control shot.
you are not supposed to have a period if you are pregnant.
It really just depends on what type of birth control your taking, and when you start to take them. If you missed a week or two after getting off your period then you may spot for a few days, but you should start when your supposed to.
Yes. This is completely normal. It means you will be getting your period soon
This is not your period this is called breakthrough bleeding and yes it is normal while on many forms of hormonal birth control breakthrough bleeding and spotting can occur they can be very light or as heavy as a period if this occurs for more than the first 3 motnhs that you are on this birth control go consult your doctor so that they can switch your brith control and find one that is better for your body hope this helps Good Luck and God Bless!!!
Hi, Yes this does sometimes happen. If your period hasn't arrive in 4 weeks perform a pregnancy test and see your Doctor.
Sometimes, a woman can miss her period or be late if they are under extreme stress. Maybe the stress of the surgery is keeping the period away.
no its normal. Your body is just getting use to it
I stopped taking my birth control in December and in January I came on my period but in february I didnt come is this normal
relax! you don't have to worry. getting your period is normal. You just feel normal, except for wearing a pad. Just remember to change it every few hours.