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I think competency include knowledge, skills or abilities in specific area, and behaviour is the demonstration ( the action) upon this competency. Behaviours actualy prove that this competency exist in a person. I think so.

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Q: What is the difference between competency and behaviour?
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sike i dont the answer

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an adaptation is a change in behaviour/physical characteristics that has already occurred. Adapting is the proccess of changing a behaviour/physical characteristic.

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an adaptation is a change in behaviour/physical characteristics that has already occurred. Adapting is the proccess of changing a behaviour/physical characteristic.

What is the difference between adaptation and Adapting?

an adaptation is a change in behaviour/physical characteristics that has already occurred. Adapting is the proccess of changing a behaviour/physical characteristic.

What is the difference between core competencies and distinctive competencies?

core competency is a competitively important factor that a firm better than any other factor..where as distinct competency means an internal factor(it can be company core competency) which differentiate a firm from firm in the same industry or other industry..

What is the difference between synergy and distinctive competencies?

Competency refers to the ability of a firm to carry out an activity well. It is built and developed by firms consciously through experience and learning. A competency reside in people in the firm and not in physical assets.

Difference between competency and competence written by ganesh shermon in the book competency based hrm?

Competency is acquiring the determined quality and skill set for being well qualified physically and intellectually where as the set standard level or quality of being adequately or well qualified physically and intellectually is competence.